According to the ancient Greek writer Pausanias, who lived around the 2nd century AD, in Boeotia, an ancient region of Greece, there was the cave of Trophonius which was one of the entrances to the Underworld and where to enter it was first necessary to drink from two fountains. The first one, named after Lete (forgetfulness), made us forget the past while the other, named after Mnemosyne, allowed us to remember what we would see in the afterlife.
These works are inspired by Mnemosyne as they represent memories; more particularly a series of memories that, as often happens in life, we would like to forget.
But forgetting, especially some memories, is often impossible and this often causes us discomfort and suffering.
Some psychological techniques teach us to bring a different level of consciousness to these memories, making sure to transform them into something with which it is possible to coexist.
In the same way, the presented paintings are first completed by representing the subject (or object) of the memory in detail, and then they are deleted with various layers of color and various interventions, so that the whole image becomes something of different: an abstraction of memory that is ‘distilled’ becoming something with which it is possible to coexist. The act of canceling is in itself cathartic, putting us in front of the abyss that opens up in us when we have to ‘let go’.
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